This reality that you live within, is a manifestation of your own doing.
Everywhere you look, some strange coincidence is telling you to pursue a new path.







Pareidolia (Bizarre Bug of Human Mind) is the tendency for incorrect perception of a stimulus as an object, pattern or meaning known to the observer, such as seeing shapes in clouds, seeing faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns, or hearing hidden messages in music.

Human mind is powerful. It’s like a huge computer, perhaps the greatest one ever, that stores and processes every single thought, and it does a massive amount of other work at the same time.


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Reclaim Your Mind

Reclaim Your Mind

Catalyst untuk mengatakan apa yang belum pernah dikatakan, untuk melihat apa yang belum pernah dilihat, menggambar, melukis, menyanyi, memahat, menari dan bertindak seperti apa yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya, untuk mendorong ruang kreativitas dan bahasa.

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Philosophy of Perception

If we want to learn something about the reality we meet, we should know something about the way we capture it or how the meeting with reality is constructed. It’s not just to look at a neuroanatomical, cognitive–psychological description of receptors and mechanisms of sensory reception, but also offers deeper thoughts about the conditions and mainly about the consequences of higher cognitive processes tied to perception. The text thus walks a line between general and cognitive psychology and philosophical epistemology while trying to map not only the origins of percepts, what influences them, but mainly where and how our perception convictions originate and the total concept of reality we live in.  








Mind Manifestation

Perception is actually much more complex than a simple topographical representation of the visual world. It’s primary goal is to recover the features of external objectsWhat we see is actually more than what is imaged on the retina. In general, a particular retinal image may correspond to more than one object. For example, a circular patch of light on the retina could result from viewing a cylinder on end or a round ball from any perspective. Thus perception is inevitably an ambiguity-solving process. The perceptual system generally reaches the most plausible global interpretation of the retinal input by integrating local cues, as will be illustrated in the case of lightness perception.

Want somehing different? You must think differently!

Falling Visualizer

Fall out of nowhere
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Music Orbit Visualizer

Parallel Universe
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Plink Multiplayer

Intuitive Multiplayer Music
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Make music while you type
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Erupting Volcano
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Orbital Trails

Canvas Orbit Trails
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Sandbox Art

Sandbox Coloring Universe
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Weavesilk Interactive

Interactive Generative Art
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Portable Animation and Sound Kit
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Spiral Art Creator

Generate Spiral Art
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The infinitely zooming image
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Time and space are illusions, everything exists at the same time. We only see what we are tuned to the vibration of to see. As we change our ideas, we change our vibrations, we start to see a different world, literally. Because we have shifted our consciousness, our focus, to a different version of Universe that exists simultaneously with the version we were on a moment ago. And we are experiencing literally, bit by bit, whether fast or slow, a progression through different versions of Universe.

every exit is an entrance somewhere else

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